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How do you get malware infections on your computer or mobile device? 

Malware is a can get in through a number of ways, and most of them happen when you’re connected to the Internet. Norton protection uses a combination of technologies to identify websites which may host malware before you visit the site, identify malware as you download it, and even if you ignore warnings, Norton is still watching the software you download to look for malicious behaviors and actions on your computers, tablets and phones. Some examples of infection methods include:

Human error: 
Clicking on a malicious website link, downloading a suspicious email attachment, clicking on an ad that looks legitimate, or other similar types of mistakes in which you click on something that leads to malware. Also, ignoring security software warnings about a link, attachment, file or program and clicking anyway.

Norton protection monitors network traffic for malware, and also developed SONAR, the behavioral protection layer, to watch programs and identify signs of bad behaviors common in malware.

Web Attacks:
Attacks carried out from a location on the web. These can be on compromised websites, sites that have been created specifically for web attacks, drive-by downloads from exploited web browsers or email clients, malvertising, clicking on an ad that installs malware onto your computer, or pharming, where cybercriminals slyly re-direct traffic from a legitimate site to a malicious one.

Norton protection helps defend against web attacks with Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and Proactive Exploit Protection (PEP) to guard against zero-day exploits as the first line of defense.

App or software “bundles”
Sometimes apps or software you download can include more than you bargain for. Spyware or other types of malware could come bundled with something you download. Do you download free apps, files or programs? Do you trust the publisher of each one?

Norton protection uses the reputation of apps and software bundles, and detects them as either malicious or Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs), and marks them for removal.